Chair Yoga for Seniors hair Yoga for Senior losing Meditation

We've finished our chair yoga asana class for today and we'll conclude with a closing meditation. Relaxing the hands on the knees, release the eyes closed. We'll take just a moment to scan the breath and body, noticing any differences between now and earlier in the class. Perhaps you're noticing that you feel warmer, calmer. Just noticing the breath, passing no judgment on the breath. Staying focused on the breath, inhaling, exhaling. Inhaling, exhaling. We'll take a moment here to revisit the intention or goal that we may have set at the beginning of our practice. Just visualizing that goal or that prayer in our mind's eye. We'll bring our hands to our heart in anjali mudra or prayer pose and take a moment just to extend gratitude for our good fortune to be able to be together and practice yoga together. That we're well enough and strong enough. Perhaps we can resolve to take the very best of our yoga practice into the rest of the week. Thank you Maria for your wonderful friendship and assistance today. Namaste.